Trans World Radio

Breaking Barriers: The Inspirational Journey of Evangelist Ebron Yona “Satan’s enemy” 

Breaking Barriers: The Inspirational Journey of Evangelist Ebron Yona “Satan’s enemy” 

Meet Evangelist Ebron Yona, also known as Adui Wa Shetani ” Satan’s enemy”, a name well recognized by listeners of the “Rauka na Hekima” show hosted by Vincent Amara and Pastor David Mungai on TWR Kenya’s Hekima FM in Garissa. Ebron is a dedicated fan who has been following Hekima FM since its inception and remains loyal to the station. His journey with Hekima FM has been a source of spiritual nourishment and growth. 

Ebron follows the word of God preached on the station, especially Thru the Bible know as Neno in Swahili. “As a preacher, I often follow the program ‘Neno Litaendelea’ brought by Geoffrey Munialo and Pamela Omwodo in the morning. I enjoy learning from their teachings book by book. Since I am visually impaired and the Braille Bibles available to us are incomplete, I take this opportunity to listen to the books that I don’t have in the braille bible. ” He states. His dedication to absorbing these teachings despite his visual impairment is truly inspiring. He listens to the program from the radio that Trans World Radio Kenya gifted him. The “Neno Litaendelea”. This radio has become his window to the world of scriptures, bridging the gap left by the incomplete Braille versions. 

His nickname “Adui Wa Shetani” comes from a series of events that almost cost his life.  “Twice I almost died.”  He recounts, ” I once drowned in the River Tana, when everyone thought I would not make it, God saved me. I was the first to come out of that disaster. The second time was when I fell into a deep ditch, once again, people thought I had died, but I emerged unscathed. From that day on, I have been the devil’s enemy and gave myself the same name.” These harrowing experiences have not only strengthened Ebron’s faith but also reinforced his resolve to fight against evil. 

Despite being blind, Evangelist Ebron Yona ministers at the Orthodox Church in Madogo, continuing to spread his faith and inspire those around him. His life is a testament to resilience and his unwavering faith, demonstrating that physical limitations do not hinder spiritual contributions. 

Written by Evelyn Malonza 

Edited by Winnie Onyimbo 

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