Trans World Radio



TWR-Kenya hosted a breakfast meeting for bishops, directors, and CEOs from various churches and organizations in Nairobi in March 2024, Among the attendees were Gilbert Kamange, National Director of World Vision; Thomas Tharao, Head of Operations at Bible Society Kenya; Reverend Marombe from the Methodist Church; Reverend Canon Samuel Githaiga from A.C.K St. Joseph Church; and Henry Njagi, Head of Communication at NCCK (National Council of Churches in Kenya). 

The purpose of the meeting was to create new partners within the church and with like-minded organizations in Nairobi.  

Dr. Bernice Gatere, The Executive Director of Trans World Radio Kenya and SIFA FM stations, warmly welcomed everyone and gave a concise overview of Transworld’s mission and activities. 

The atmosphere was lively, with most participants showing great interest in Transworld Radio Kenya’s programs and initiatives. NCCK representatives expressed interest in collaborating with SIFA FM on radio programming, while World Vision was keen on partnering on projects related to responsible parenting and promoting an empowered worldview. The Bible Society of Kenya was keen on an upcoming Sunday school competitions to be held in Marsabit later in the year. Additionally, both the Methodist and ACK churches were eager to provide platforms for TWR -Kenya to engage with their pastors.  

This is not the first time TWR-Kenya is hosting pastors.  TWR-Kenya considers itself as the arm of the church.  It therefore works very closely with churches in its areas of broadcast.  Whenever a SIFA FM Station is set up, TWR-Kenya approaches the local pastors to dedicate and partner with the church in spreading the gospel on air and online.   

Written by Evelyn Malonza 

Edited by Winnie Onyimbo