Trans World Radio

Thru The Bible Competition: Marsabit Children battle for bible knowledge prowess  

Thru The Bible Competition: Marsabit Children battle for bible knowledge prowess  

Claps and shouts of joy rented the air for the better part of the day at the Anglican Church of Kenya St. Peter’s Cathedral in Marsabit County as Sunday School children and teens battled it out, to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the bible. Some opted to demonstrate their scripture knowledge through reciting of memory verses challenge, others did a ‘Walk Thru The Bible’ bible dramatization, and some opted for ‘Open The Book’ Bible Narration, as others did Songs and dances in line with the four different performance categories.

The August schools holiday competition dubbed “Neno Ni Taa”: (The Word is the light) “Open the Book” Marsabit Mission brought together over 700 participants between the ages of 5 to 14 from various churches in Marsabit County. It was a stiff battle marked with a lot enthusiasm, a clear indication that the participants were well prepared for the scriptural battle. The air was filled with paeans, shouts of joy after each performance, proving that indeed the week preparations and rehearsals was paying off on the grand day.

The competition organized through a partnership between Trans World Radio Kenya, Bible Society of Kenya and SIFA FM Marsabit was well structured to cater to the different age groups, with questions and activities tailored to the participants understanding. This ensured that every child, regardless of age, had a fair chance to showcase their knowledge in the four categories. Each performance tested different aspects of the participants’ Bible knowledge, encouraging them to engage with the scripture in diverse ways.

The first round was the memory verse challenge which required not just the memorization, but also the ability to explain the meaning of the verses. It was a test of both memory and comprehension with many of them reciting flawlessly long Bible verses. The second and third rounds were simultaneously taken where participants narrated their favorite Bible stories (Open The Book), dramatizing and adding personal insights and reflections (Walk Thru the Bible). From the stories in the Old Testament, characters of the Judge, Kings, Prophets, the Prodigal son in the New Testament, each story was delivered with enthusiasm and creativity. The adjudicators were particularly moved by how some of the participants connected these bible stories to the modern-day life application.

Some of the highlights of the event was the Bible verse recitation segment, where participants demonstrated remarkable memorization skills. The 9-11 age group, in particular, left the audience in awe with their ability to recall and recite long passages flawlessly. The youngest participant aged seven, impressed everyone with her poise and confidence. She managed to recite a memory verse with precision, earning special recognition from the judges. Though we had children from different churches competing, there was a huge sense of cohesiveness and teamwork as the children cheered on one another, shared tips, and supported their peers, creating an atmosphere of a united community. Perhaps something that the older generation can learn from since Marsabit sometimes faces by inter-ethnic clashes.

A 12-year-old participant, stood out as she narrated the story of the young Joseph with such detail and emotions earning him a standing ovation. Another participant, aged 14, perfectly recited the entire “The Parable of the lost son”, explaining its relevance and application in today’s life.

As the competition drew closer to the end with remarks from the judges, they applauded the children effort to showcase their talent in the Bible stories noting that there was uniqueness in all participants making it very hard to identify the best amongst the rest. They also encouraged the teachers to identify and nature the special skills in the children and use their talents in serving Christ.

Rev. Dedan Kamau and Pastor Michael Kisaila handing awards to winners

The event concluded with an awarding ceremony where all participants received certificates, trophies Bibles, TWR Thru The Bible Radios, and an assortment of literature gifts as recognition for their efforts. The top three performers in “Open the Book” and “Walk Thru the Bible” received trophies and Award certificates.  Marsabit Pentecostal Church emerged as the winners in the Walk through the bible while Lutheran Church and AIC Marsabit took the first and second runners up respectively. In the Open Book Lutheran Church emerged the best followed by Redeemed Gospel Church and AIC Marsabit School taking the third position.   

Pastor Michael Kisaila from Trans World Radio Kenya and Reverend Dedan Kamau from Bible Society of Kenya, jointly emphasized in their speech that the true victory lay not in winning but in the learning, knowledge and sharing of God’s word. The Children’s Bible Competition was not just a test of knowledge but a celebration of Faith and Learning. Terming the event a resounding success with much to learn from to improve future trivia.

Sifa FM’s Station Manager Mr. Michael Kwoba had this to say about the competition. ” As Sifa FM we are very encouraged and motivated to witness such great performances. We are planning to use some the performances in our future broadcast especially on the children segment of our programing. It is great to see some of the Children who are listeners of Bible Stories Alive dramatize some bible stories and recite memory verses. Indeed the programs are having an impact in their spiritual lives. We are truly grateful.”

As we look forward to another competition God willing, our heartfelt gratitude goes to all our participants and their parents, churches, teachers and the organizers. Our sponsors and partners namely Bible Society of Kenya (BSK), Trans World Radio Kenya (TWR-K), Sifa FM Stations Ltd, St. Peter’s Cathedral ACK, Marsabit, Marsabit Pastors Fellowship (MPF), and Legacy Global Mission-Atalanta (USA) for the unwavering support and generosity. You were instrumental in making the event a success and impactful in a community that is still considered as the un-reached Community.  All glory to our Father in heaven and may He continue to bless you more abundantly and meet you at all your points of need. “Asante Sana”

Desmond Kodongo from TWR/SIFA FM poses with participants

It was heartening to see the next generation engage with the Bible in such a meaningful way, and the competition served as a reminder of the importance of nurturing spiritual growth in children. Reminding us of the words of King Solomon in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

By Desmond Kodongo
Additional Reporting by Geoffrey Otieno

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