Trans World Radio

From a Domestic Servant to Preacher after encountering Christ on radio

From a Domestic Servant to Preacher after encountering Christ on radio

“I cannot imagine what God has done for me, raising me from a housemaid to a minister of the gospel, indeed God is great and all the Glory to Him.”

A job advert is always accompanied by the job the qualifications because it is all about the applicant. This is not the same case in God’s ministry calling. He can call anyone at any time because He does not call based on who you are but because of the power of who He is.

Today we share the testimony of Catherine Moraa, a committed loyal listener of seven years of Sifa FM Marsabit, as she testifies how she encountered Christ while working as a domestic servant and later on realized her calling in ministry.  

“I still remember that day, it was on a Sunday morning and I going about my daily chores as I was listening to Sifa FM and the presenter Michael Kwoba was hosting an Apostle who had visited Marsabit County on an evangelism mission. The man of God was teaching about dreams and their interpretation. From the examples he was giving I felt that truly the message was meant for me because they related very well with some of the dreams I had been having.” Catherine shared

Pastor Catherine Moraa & former SIFA FM Staff William Wario during a past SIFA FM event.

According to her, there was no shadow of doubt that this was the day the Lord had prepared for her deliverance. This is because she would often have dreams of her walking and talking with the dead.

Towards the end of the radio program, the Apostle led her to Christ and then conducted a prayer of deliverance and she joined in and from that day the dreams challenge became a thing of the past. She confirmed that she now sleeps like a toddler.

After the deliverance and salvation, I started to develop a deep conviction of devoting myself to the Lord and embarked on a mission of searching for a church where I would fellowship with others and help me grow my spiritually apart just listening to the Word on Radio. The search led me to Jesus Celebration Centre- JCC in Marsabit town and it became my church for more than two years.

In the year 2020, God gave me this burden of winning more lost souls for His kingdom. After spending time in prayers, He led me to start Mount Zion Church Ministry on the outskirts of Marsabit town to reach the unreached.

I thank God for Sifa FM and Trans World Radio (TWR) Kenya’s programs like Neno Litaendelea, Matumaini, Uzima wa Milele and Mwito that are true Bible teaching programs. I have been gaining a lot of scriptural knowledge that has enabled me to preach the true Word of God. The teachings play a vital role in my life and have uplifted my evangelical ministry. We are coworkers because we are both preaching God’s word. Although I depend on the programs for my spiritual growth and many of have been led to Christ thru us.

I am also grateful for SIFA FM and TWR Kenya because apart from the radio programs they have always supported our door-to-door evangelism with bibles. The Bibles distribution project is a very big plus since it is very difficult to get bibles here in Marsabit county. If it was not for the project, many families would not be having or owning a bible. This hampers the spreading of God’s word or making families not to be close to the Word. Thus making us fall off from the great commission as it is written in the book of  Matthew 28:19. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Minister Catherine shared.

As we conclude our interview, she took the opportunity to encourage other ministers who are sharing the gospel in difficult environments like Marsabit County by reminding them of Christ’s encouragement to His disciples as it is written in John 16:33. Encouraging them that they should be ready for tribulations for the sake of the Gospel. She shared an example of a testimony of a young lady she knows was disowned by the family after she converted to Christianity.

“The lady is facing a lot challenges after the rejection but she still has a big heart for God despite having nowhere else to run to. I am humbly requesting for help to assist such new believers since majority of them find it challenging fostering on the fact that they have not stabilized in their walk with God.” Catherine appealed.

“I cannot imagine what God has done for me, raising me from a housemaid to a minister of the gospel, indeed God is great and all the Glory to Him.” The now Mount Zion Church Pastor concludes.

By Michael Kwoba
Additional Reporting By Geoffrey Otieno

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