“A yeeleleleee! Yeeey!!”
Young Mangelepa shouted as she ran into the laps of her favorite Aunty! And she hugged her dear Aunty Phoebe with all the energy and love she could muster.
“Aunty Phoebe, I have missed you,” she said as she held tightly onto her aunt. Even the hens in the compound took note and started clucking. The goats signed in and the lone dog, Joska, barked in agreement.
“I have missed you, too, Mangelepa. How have you been? Have you been a good girl?” Aunty Phoebe asked Mangelepa.
“Oh yes, Aunt Phoebe.” Answered Mangelepa. Little four-year-old Mangelepa excitedly dipped into her little blue dungaree pockets and brought out five little golden stars that her dad and mom had given as a gift for excelling in her kindergarten class last school term.
“Look Aunt Phoebe,” she said.
‘Dad and Mom gave me this for being a good girl in school. A five-star rating. Now they are yours, Aunty Phoebe!”
“But why, Mangelepa?”
“Because you are my five-star auntie. My favorite aunt. You always come to see me and pray for me.” Her words came out rapidly with all the innocence of a child. “You are not just my aunt, you are my five-star friend and aunty, … I love you, Aunty Phoebe.”
Aunt Phoebe was moved to a tear. Little Mangelepa’s parents looked at each other and were speechless.
After a brief pause, Aunty Phoebe said, “Thank you, Manga” for that was her nickname. “Thank you. But this is yours, Manga.”
“No, no. Aunty Phoebe. The five stars are for you. You always pray for me. You visit me. You buy me gifts and play with me. And I love you, Aunty Phoebe. You and my dad and my mom.”
Aunty Phoebe hugged little Mangelepa tightly and said “Thank you, Manga. I love you too.” And she shed a tear, again. Little Manga’s parents embraced, and in silence looked at Little Manga and her aunt, Phoebe. The five stars had gone around and completed a circle.
This is a story that captures the love relationship between Trans World Radio Kenya and you, our partners, friends, and stakeholders. We have received in trust a great love from God, our creator. We can only share the same with you, our dear friend. You who is always there for us – praying with us, sharing the little you have with us, and checking on us. Like little Mangelepa, kindly receive a five-star rating from TWR Kenya. If there was ever a six-star rating, we would have given you.
You are that special in our life!