Trans World Radio

A young Preacher in the making, thanks to Trans Word Radio’s Bible Stories Alive

A young Preacher in the making, thanks to Trans Word Radio’s Bible Stories Alive
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At only twelve years, Qabale Diba from Dakabaricha village in Saku Constituency, Marsabit County is already exercising her spiritual gift of preaching the gospel of Christ thanks to her years of listening to Bible Stories Alive (BSA) on SIFA FM Marsabit.

When asked about why she loves preaching unlike other children her age, Diba takes us to the book of 1 Corinthians 9:16. For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!
That marks the beginning of her testimony on how she felt in love with God’s word.

 “My father is a Pastor, and the whole family loves listening to SIFA FM Marsabit, we listen to the Radio together and around five years ago, SIFA FM started airing Bible Stories Alive. Just as the name says, this program is about Bible stories and through the stories I have been able to grow deep into the Word through the understanding of the life of God’s servants. The Bible stories have been of great inspiration to me and made me realize that I have a calling in preaching. I then started serving in Church where my father ministers at.  Apart from the program, my spiritual journey has really grown through listening to church sermons, spending more time receiving wise counsel, praying, reading and listening to the Word of God through other programs like Dorothy’s Devotions, Neno, Wake wa Tumaini, Uzima wa Milele, Mwito and Matumiani that are aired on SIFA FM Marsabit and are my family’s daily routine programs for several years now.

My  family listens to Sifa FM every day, and since Saturday morning programs targets us children, I have been utilizing that opportunity to call in and contribute using my parents cellphone. Most of the time, a bible story is aired and later we are given chance to either answer questions or given opportunity to comment and or give our general remarks. For almost a whole hour, we have time to recite bible verses, sing hymns, tell riddles, answer trivial bible quizzes, and more so tell bible stories we know. The listener interactions have helped in building my confidence in sharing God’s Word.   

When asked about any of the many Bible stories that has a great impact in her life, Diba had this to share.

One day as I was listening to the bible story alive program titled “The call of Moses,” I learnt that when Moses was called by God to go and deliver the children of Israel from the hands of Egyptians in Egypt, he obeyed the call of God by doing exactly what God had told him. I realized that even when things are tough or you are being sent by God in hardship areas that are even risky to your life, go. Through the story of Moses, I learnt that it is important to please God and not fear the challenges or difficult situation ahead.

I have been looking forward every Saturday at 8 am. to tune in and contribute to the program and my desire is to continue preaching to the children about Christ because I know God is with me.  I believe when God sends you, go because He will lead and go ahead of you, for it is not by might nor by power but by Holy Spirit of God.”  
The young preacher shared.

One day God called Abraham and told him to leave his home, family and relatives and go to the Land He will show him, Abraham did not know where he was going but did not hesitate to follow God’s instructions. Abraham ended up being our father of faith, and he was blessed in all aspects of his life. From the story I learnt that God is omniscient and knows everything about our lives, He loves us more than our parents, He is concerned with ourv future, what we worship and how we live. He wants to bless us and is aware of everything we daily. He dwells in those He has called by His name.” Qaballe added.

From the story of Moses and Abraham, Qaballe emphasizes that she has learnt to be careful about God’s call, devote herself to serve in the church and have the desire to preach what she learns from the programs and Church to her fellow children at home and in school.

Bible Stories Alive Producer Caro Njeri

She concludes by requesting the station to consider scheduling Children program at least twice a week and distribute more bibles & other spiritual materials to children and listeners because getting access to such materials is a challenge.

“He has saved us and called us to a holy life- not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time..” 2 Timothy 1.10

BY Michael Kwoba
Additional Reporting By Geoffrey Otieno

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