Trans World Radio

Author Archives: Geoffrey Otieno

For the marvelous work that you people have done to this community that the team in Ethiopia is here to learn & bench mark,”

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Neno program made me to accept myself and know that despite being blind, God loves me and He can still use me… It has made me grow deeper in the Word because it covers the Bible chapters missing or are yet to be translated into braille Bible.”

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There is an increase in the participation of women in the labour force at 66 % surpassing the global rate of 53 % recorded in 2021, women still earn about 81 cents for …….

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Preaching the Gospel of Christ is not an easy task, you face so many battles that can push you to …..

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Join our Partnerships & Resource Development Department as a
Church Relations Officer

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A society cannot claim to be truly democratic if it leaves out half of its population in key-decision making processes…….

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They had a young girl who grew fond of me and would sometimes find me praying during my prayer time. When she became sick, she would ask me to pray for her. After sometime, the family allowed me to be…

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Recent Statistics from the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) Kenya indicate that the drought situation in Kenya especially in all our broadcast zones of Turkana, Kakukuma, Marsabit, Wajir, Garissa, Mandera, Lamu, Kilifi, and Taita Taveta remain critical. Here is a Special Feature – The Drought Burden as we focus on the impact and seek ways to lessen the burden and save lives . Watch the Feature on YouTube ↓↓

Introducing Calvin Odero; Calvin is a building and construction site manager and a big fan of Sifa Fm Marsabit.

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