Trans World Radio



I would sneak at home at midnight just to check on my family and leave immediately. The situation was so bad that my wife could not bear it anymore… I was a hardcore robber and a warmonger, but now I am saved, thanks to Sifa FM Marsabit

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In this journey of life, we all have an optimistic look into the future nobody ever desires to move from good life to bad life, however things can happen and we lose the focus or even give up on life. This applies to both believers and non-believers. It is for this reason that SIFA FM and Trans World Radio Kenya strives at transforming lives through speaking and being that voice of hope.

Our listener testimony is taking us to Marsabit town where we meet our staunch listener Peter Noor, an ex-cop turned villain after being dismissed from the service. The middle-aged family man sharing how he moved from a hardworking cop to being declared the most wanted criminal in Marsabit County for a period of two years.

Our life testimony today takes us to Marsabit town where we meet our staunch listener Peter Noor, an ex-cop turned villain after being dismissed from the service. The middle-aged family man shares how he moved from a hardworking cop to being declared the most wanted criminal in Marsabit County for a period of two years.

“My story starts from the year 1997 when I officially started working as a policeman. I would say things were normal as I continued to restore peace, law and order in Marsabit County. However, three years later things would take a different turn when I was arrested un trumped up allegations following a disagreement with an influential person in my line of duty. The allegations would later get me arrested. While in custody I went on a hunger strike to reaffirm my innocence. Later on, I was released but my service dismissal was not revoked.

Life had taken a different turn for worse, and it was more hurting that I was not able to defend myself over the allegations. I also had a family to take care off. So, I decided to become a robber and at the same time Marsabit being a county that is ethnic fights, I decided to join my community in fighting our perceived enemies. Being an ex-cop gave me an edge and I was able to fit into the world of crime. It did not take long before the police declared me as the most dangerous wanted criminal and a warmonger in the county. I had always been on their radar.

The police declared a manhunt for me and for two years they could not arrest me as I dodged all their dragnets. I would sneak at home at midnight just to check on my family and leave immediately. The situation was so bad that my wife could not bear any more. She started to persuade me to change and surrender my life to Christ through her Pastor. It reached a point I became willing to do so, however I was nervous and could not trust anyone, I knew her pastor was from a different community. I thought she might be used as a spy to lay a trap for me to be arrested.

It took my wife and her Pastor six months to convince me to surrender my life to Christ. During that period, I became a secret disciple of Pastor Catherine Moraa, a preacher and a close ministry friend of Sifa FM. (read ) She called every day to pray and share the Word. She did this until I saw the true light and decided to surrender my life to Christ. This meant I had to come out of hiding.  I was then arrested then put in the hands a probation officer.

After several months, the officer gave a positive report over my conduct. I was released to go back to the community now as transformed man. Imagine God used Pastor Catherine Moraa who met Christ through SIFA FM to lead me to Christ. This gives me every reason to thank God for Sifa FM because it is truly a life transforming station. The discipleship sessions by Pastor Catherine transformed and kept me away from life imprisonment and God forgave me for my sins. That is why am working tirelessly to bring my friends who are still blindfolded by the devil to Christ.

Today am a peace ambassador keen preaching peace and God’s word. I do this through composing and reciting of poems and songs. My spiritual journey is now on another level thanks to Sifa FM and Trans World Radio Kenya for the devotional programs and discipleship literature gifts. I share my testimony to encourage others that despite the situations God can still cause a turn around.

Sifa FM and Trans World Radio Kenya are serving the great commission in Marsabit County. Thru them many lives have been changed, churches have planted and many listeners have grown into the Word.” Reformed Mr. Noor, concluded.

Thank you for reading. We would love to read and share your Testimony, write to us and email thru

By Michael Kwoba
Additional Reporting by Geoffrey Otieno

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