By Geoffrey Otieno

The legacy continues….
It is exactly one year since the Lord called home His Servant Dr. Charles Stanley at the age of 90. For a man who faithfully committed his life to preaching the gospel of Christ to all to all corners of the earth, his is a legacy that will forever continue.
In 1972, Dr. Charles Stanley joined the list of preachers like the late Billy Graham, Chuck Swindoll, John MacArthur Jet, etc. who incorporated the use of Mass Media in broadcasting their sermons. Thus, he founded the In Touch Ministries, a Christian broadcasting Network for Radio and TV.
Years later In Touch would partner with Trans World Radio International and as a result, Dr Stanley’s Intouch teachings are being translated broadcasted to millions of listeners across the globe. Trans World Radio Kenya is privileged to be part of the journey and has translated and broadcasts the teachings in different languages like Swahili Gikuyu , Maasai, Luganda thus ensuring that Dr. Charles Stanley’s teachings reach thousands of listeners in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo in languages they understand best.
As we mark Dr Stanley’s first anniversary, we linked up with our Audience Relations representative from Uganda Mrs. Susan Kavuma who handles In Touch Luganda (Mbatukako) listeners, Producer Charles Otunga of In Touch Swahili (Uzima Wa Milele) and Pastor David Mungai of In Touch Gikuyu (I’hutia). On reflective impact journey of In-touch programs. For Susan, over the ten years she has handled Mbatukako, she has recorded many listeners testimonies of how the teachings are transforming the lives of Luganda listeners. Most of the testimonies are listeners who have either surrendered their lives to Christ or who were on the point of giving up and after listening they changed and are now living a faithful life, committed to following God’s will, and a life of devout prayer.
“ There are many testimonies, I can share of people who have surrendered their lives to Christ, or those who were followers of false teachings but the programs led them to change their lives and follow the right biblical teachings. I remember there was this man who shared of how he felt that the world had turned against him as he was going through a lot of challenges, he decided that he had had enough and the world did not need him. He then started to plan of how he was going to kill himself. In middle of those thoughts, he had a neighbor who was listening to Mbatukako on Bukedde FM on Saturday evening, since the volume was high enough for him eavesdrop, he listened and by the time the program was ending, his life had been touched and he dropped the suicidal thoughts. In Touch had given him hope at a point he thought God had left him alone. He is now a very loyal listener of the program living a happy life.
There is also another young man who had been listening to the program for years and just recently he called to appreciate the program and to inform me that he was about to be ordained as Reverend in the Anglican Church and it’s the program that led him to have the desires to serve. I mean there are many testimonies that can’t be listed in one day because imagine getting over thirty listeners engagements per week and in those you cannot miss testimonies and there are some I know are yet to come to my attention because to everyone sends feedback. Susan narrated.
For Charles Otunga the producer of Uzima wa Milele (In Touch Swahili) his connection with Dr. Charles Stanley started way before he even became a producer. Being an avid reader and while studying in India, Charles Otunga’s spiritual life was greatly impacted when he the read the book “How to Face Adversity“ by Charles Stanley. Little did he know that after returning to Kenya he would get an opportunity to work with Trans World Radio Kenya and be tasked with the translation and production of Dr Charles Stanley’s In Touch teachings into Swahili.
I received the sad news of the demise of Rev. Charles F. Stanley 18th April,2023 the curtain has certainly fell on one of the most versatile televangelists of our times. He continues to be missed but his legacy lives.
In Touch Ministries found an ally in Trans World Radio Kenya through which it could achieve its goals. To achieve this objective in 2010 TWR Kenya launched a radio bible teaching ministry through a 24-hour multimedia link to broadcast these programs in various vernacular languages like Kikuyu, Maasai and several others including the national language of Swahili.
I was privileged to be interviewed to be tasked with the responsibility of translating and producing In Touch programs into Swahili. The programs teach the Word, covers on Life’s biblical Principles, as well as contemporary issues. Millions of households in our target areas own radios and others use multimedia platforms e.g. mobile phones and sound card players to listen to our programs live or Prerecorded and we thank God that In Touch Ministries and Trans World Radio have enabled listeners to listen to the teaching through various platforms.
Judging from the large volume of listeners engagements, I would say that TWR-Kenya is indeed Speaking Hope through this and other programs. To-date, we are still receiving testimonial responses from our audience even after the death of Dr Stanley. I have on several occasions interacted with listeners whom the programs have touched their lives. I remember during the tense darkest period following the disputed Kenyan General Elections of 2007 that led to Post Election violence, this program carried a Bible-based line of hope to our listeners who were affected skirmishes . Producer Charles Otunga reflected.
For Pastor David Mungai one of the longest serving Radio producer with Trans World Radio Kenya, in fact since 1976 when Trans World radio Kenya started, he had this to say on his fellow pastor whom he has translated and produced his teachings from English to Gikuyu.
“ It is a big thanks to God for giving us one of the best Bible teachers to be with us for such a long time. Through the In-Touch radio programs millions of lives have been touched. Personally as a producer and Pastor I can say that my spiritual life has never been the same since I got involved with In Touch programs. Your resting reminds me of 2nd Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. For now until we meet again continue Resting In Peace our brother. Pastor David shared
You can now listen to In Touch Swahili and other Trans World Radio Kenya productions thru our SIFA FM Stations and for In Touch Gikuyu you can listen on Coro FM every Saturday at 10 am. and 8PM on Bukkedde FM for Intouch Luganda.
You can also share your testimonies through