“….my husband used to listen to another station, so when he traveled and left the radio behind his favorite station went off and when I was trying to tune to another station, I landed on this a station that was playing…”

Overwhelmed with joy, Agatha Mandi popularly known as Mama Wa Mwazoka welcomes one of Sifa FM presenters to her home in Mwazoka, Mwatate Sub County Taita Taveta county. She narrates how she found herself listening to Sifa FM VOI back in 2022.
“Before then my husband used to listen to another station, so when he traveled and left the radio behind his favorite station went off and when I was trying to tune to another station, I landed on this a station that was playing my favorite gospel songs, at first I dint recognize it. I fell in love with the music and kept it tuned there for the whole day and never switched to another Station. My search had come to an end”
Her husband returned after a week and when he tried tuning in to his favorite station, they ended up clashing because she wanted to continue listening to Sifa FM. The battle for which station to listen to went on for a month until she decided to throw in the towel and went ahead to buy her own radio just to listen to her favorite radio station and that is how she became a staunch listener of the station.
It became a routine for her to switch on her radio every morning. This is where she encountered Neno Litaendelea program from Trans World Radio Kenya which starts at 6.05 am. She says she was attracted to the program because of how Pastor Geoffrey Wanjala Munialo takes the listeners on a journey through the Bible.
”It became a routine for me to start my day with Thru the Bible program (Neno Litaendelea) and sometimes after the program I used to hear other listeners share what they have learnt from the preaching, I also started calling every day and sharing my lessons and testimonies with fellow listeners.
The teachings are so articulate that you feel that you are indeed part of the journey such that when the Pastor says the Word will continue you are already looking forward to it.” She explained.
Mama Mwazoka story does not end there with Neno program as she recounts a very sad situation which believes she was rescued by the program. One day she fell sick and was rushed to the hospital where it was diagnosed with food poisoning. It was so serious that she was admitted and she felt like she was going to die. The medication did not seem to work so she felt like giving up.
One morning while still at the hospital asked for her radio to be brought to her to listen to Neno program and when she listened to the radio that day Pastor Munialo was teaching about about not giving up and that God had a purpose for everyone.
“It is at that point I felt encouraged and prayed and asked God to heal me and so that I could accomplish what He brought me to do. After the prayers feel asleep and when I woke up after some three hours, I felt better and could stand and walk”
Later on she was discharged from the hospital. It is through this testimony that her husband also started listening to Neno program through Sifa FM station.
“He is now a silent loyal listener and whenever I want to go for SIFA fans club meetings, he gives me full support and has never stopped. She concluded