Trans World Radio

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Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who due to His great mercy has caused Elias to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Recent Statistics from the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) Kenya …

Albert Mwadime of Sifa FM Marsabit and Linda Akoth of Sifa FM Voi feted in the first edition of Association of Grassroot Journalists Kenya (AGJK).

On 3rd of December, Kenya Christian Proffesionals Forum (KCPF) had their 8th Edition of Utumishi Bora Awards that was held at the Serena Hotel in Nairobi. KCPF has been recognizing and celebrating Christian professionals doing exemplary work in their different spheres through the annual gala. The organization seeks to award distinguished Kenyans from 7 different categories namely corporate category, research and writing, Media championship, pioneering, integrity, mentorship, leadership and Mtumishi bora of the year categories. TWR Executive Director, Dr Bernice Gatere was among those recognized that day. She was the winner in the Media championship category.

As years went by it became impossible to ferry Mary down the hill or for her to climb up and down and that was when she came across Sifa FM Marsabit she became elated because they brought church to her house.

I believe I have acquired a lot of knowledge and skills. I’m planning to produce stories that counter hate speech and disinformation that will change the narrative and help many people in Kenya

Elizabeth Mutunga, CEO and Founder of CEO & Founder Alzheimers & Dementia Organisation Kenya shares her mental health journey as a caregiver.

Meet Amina Aila known to Sifa Marsabit listeners as Mama Tosh. She is among the oldest and ardent fans of Sifa Marsabit.

In Touch Ministries (ITM program) is the teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley and is dedicated to leading people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local church.

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